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The tenant configuration is a GitLab repository that contains the configuration of your tenant.

This is an "As Code" approach to configure your tenant. You will be able to simply edit the configuration files and commit them to apply the changes.

All the configuration must be in the tenant.yml file and respect this JSON Schema.


Here is an example of a minimal tenant.yml file:

name: Forge
slug: epita-forge
parent: epita
description: A Forge tenant
image_path: files/forge.svg

- slug: group-A
members: [xavier.login]

files: []
contacts: []
trombinoscope: []



Field nameDescription
nameThe name of the tenant that will be displayed on the Forge services.
slugThe slug of the tenant as configured by the Forge team. This value cannot be changed.
parentThe slug of the parent tenant configured by the Forge team. This value cannot be changed.
descriptionThe description of the tenant that will be displayed on the Forge services.
image_pathThe relative path to the image of the tenant in the GitLab repository that will be displayed on the Forge services.
groupsThe list of the permissions groups object. See here for more details.
intranetThe intranet configuration object. See here for more details.

Permissions groups

Field nameDescription
slugThe slug of the group. This is only used for improving the readability of the configuration. It is not used in Forge services.
permissionsThe list of permissions that the group will have. See here for more details.
membersThe list of members that will be in the group.